The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity. 盈利动机天生就与公平和公正的原则相抵触。
There are many reasons that individuals consider a small business besides the profit motive. 除了盈利的动机外,很多人选择创办小型企业还有很多其他原因的。
Few jobs are ( literally) as goal-oriented, as bounded by rules and as divorced from the profit motive. 很少有什么工作(真的)像这样足球主教练这样以目标为导向、受规则约束且不必考虑利润。
We do things for other reasons than a profit motive, we do things because they are right and just, Mr Cook growled. 我们做事情不是为了追求利润,我们做事情,是因为这些事情是正确和公正的,库克咆哮道。
As parts of the public sector were privatised, such as the utilities, they acquired the profit motive but never adopted the flexible mentality of an entrepreneurial business. 由于公共部门的一些领域(比如公用事业)被私有化,它们产生了盈利动机但却从未采取企业的灵活心态。
It is often overlooked that Smith did not take the pure market mechanism to be a free-standing performer of excellence, nor did he take the profit motive to be all that is needed. 经常被忽视的一点是,斯密没有认为纯市场机制可以独立实现出色的运作,也没有将利润动机视为充要条件。
North Korea is hardly free of the profit motive. 朝鲜不可能摆脱利润的动机。
One might have hoped that a conservative Prime Minister would have seen a chance to articulate a more sustainable model of capitalism, promoting social responsibility alongside individual enterprise and the profit motive. 人们原本可能希望,身为保守党人的首相会借机提出一种更可持续的资本主义模式,提倡社会责任以及个体企业和利润动机。
MS Schmidt said companies were increasingly paying attention to such issues, but that the profit motive could hold back due diligence. 施密特表示,企业越来越关注此类问题,但盈利动机可能妨碍尽职调查。
And the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced. 在这种竞争压力下,获利的动机很大程度上决定商品将如何生产、服务将如何提供。
Like most liberals, Mr Obama is suspicious of the profit motive, and wants the government to play a bigger role; the need for stronger regulation is a constant theme. 与大多数自由派一样,奥巴马对利润动机持怀疑态度,希望政府扮演更重要的角色;必须加强监管是一个永恒不变的主题。
A pilot program offering a profit motive to help homeowners invest in solar panels was a rousing success in its first day of business. 一项帮助业主投资于太阳能电池板的试点方案运行第一天大获成功,令人激动不已。
Why is the profit motive seen as wicked, while working in places such as universities appears so very ethical? 为什么追求利润的动机在人们眼中如此邪恶,而在大学这样的地方工作却显得如此高尚?
Whatever idealism may motivate the participants, the profit motive predominates, permeates, and ultimately governs the transaction. 无论唯心主义如何激励参与者,利润始终是最主要的动机,渗透,并最终掌控这种交易。
The1980s were a decade in which the profit motive was deified. 20世纪80年代是个谋利至上的时代。
He wanted institutional diversity and motivational variety, not monolithic markets and singular dominance of the profit motive. 他希望看到体制和动机的多样性,而不是单一市场或是利润动机占据惟一主导地位。
The capitalist system is based on the profit motive. 资本主义制度是以赢利动机为基础建立起来的。
The incident occurred as a warning to people: the profit motive of some people, unscrupulous is the source of trouble. 这一事件的发生,给人们以警示:一些人唯利是图、不讲道德是祸根。
The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. 追逐利润,加上资本家之间的竞争,使资本的积累和利用不稳定,从而导致日益严重的不景气。
While 21st-century students tend to presume that modern economic life ( like the animal kingdom) is driven by an individualistic survival instinct and profit motive, crisp thinks this assumption is wrong. 尽管21世纪的学生倾向于假定,现代经济生活(像动物王国一样)的驱动力是个体的求生本能和盈利动机,但克里斯普认为这一假定是错误的。
Profit motive: a driving force for most of the material and technological progress achieved by humankind over the centuries; as opposed to an immoral incentive that encourages greed. 利润动机:许多世纪以来人类取得的多数物质和技术进步的推动力量;而非不道德的鼓励贪婪的动机。
So they tack on politically correct stuff such as "social justice" at the Lyon event, or insist the agenda includes social enterprises when they get too squeamish about the profit motive and free markets. 因此,这些人添加了政治上正确的东西,比如在里昂论坛中提出的“社会公正”,或者当盈利动机和自由市场让他们无法忍受时,这些人就会坚持要求将社会企业纳入议程。
What about taking advantage of and cheating people as part of the profit motive? 那麽,追随谋利动机时,欺负和欺骗人们呢?
But, it has caused pollution in environment and damage in resources because of some factors, such as production factors and profit motive. 但由于生产要素、利益驱动等因素的影响,也给资源和环境造成污染和破坏。
Incentives design of logistics operation was established by principal-agent theory, and earnings between principal and agent were coordinated, to eliminate the profit motive of opportunism of logistics service providers, controlling the generation of logistics quality risk effectively. 通过委托代理理论设计物流运作过程中的激励机制,对委托方和代理方之间的收益进行协调,消除物流服务商进行机会主义的利益动机,有效控制物流质量风险的产生。
But as the inherent requirements for the capital profit motive, as well as some companies to maintain a strong position and competitive strength by the combination, the financial-industrial integration still prevalent in America companies. 但是出于资本逐利动机的内在要求以及一些大型企业通过产融结合保持强大地位和竞争实力的需要,产融结合的发展模式在美国大型企业中依然相当的盛行。
Survey researchers have found that the domestic securities analyst earnings forecasts are optimistic bias phenomenon exists, and trying to characteristics of listed companies and analysts in their own profit motive to explain this phenomenon. 综述发现国内研究者均发现证券分析师盈利预测均存在乐观偏差现象,并试图通过上市公司本身特征和分析师自身利益动机解释这一现象。
This paper introduces the economic evaluation theory and its development, originating from the western traditional economy, which emphasizes the role of the profit motive. 本文首先介绍了经济评价理论及其发展历程,最早的项目经济评价理论来源于西方传统经济学,其强调利润动机作用。
Because the pursuit of profits is the only goal of economical rationality, profit motive and ecological protection is contradictory, and this lead to the capitalism ecological crisis. 由于追求利润是经济理性的唯一目的,利润动机和生态保护相矛盾,这样就产生了资本主义的生态危机。
Owing to the differences of economic strength, economic cycle and the profit motive, the competition between China and Japan is inevitable. 由于中日经济实力与经济周期、发展水平和利益动机的不同,两国间的货币竞争不可避免。